Just discovered this blog, that seems to be reading through all three hundred or so issues of Cerebus (which Steve suggests we read next). Here's the link:
It has been suggested that we convene to outline our plan of graphical novelish pursuit and global domination. Friday is best for me, but Wednesday is impossible, other days I'm available after school. I'd suggest we meet at the Secret Underground Bunker, Agent Shermy knows the place. Plus, it's got space for the kids to play.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sounds good, Steve.
Just finished I Killed Adolf Hitler -- romance and a time machine.
So, what shall we start with? I'd suggest we read Cerebus, but in the 2nd month, just to give us more hang time to all get around to reading it. It's 25 issues in one phonebook-sized tome, so I think it could use the time. Dave, I think you wanted to read 'Jimmy Corrigan'? Steve